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dod.ctd.bbmp can retrieve both index files and data files from the Bedford Basin Mooring Project (BBMP). Since the naming convention of the data files may alter from year to year, it is important to start by downloading an index first, to ascertain the name of a file of interest; see ‘Examples’.


  ID = NULL,
  index = FALSE,
  file = NULL,
  destdir = ".",
  age = 0,
  debug = 0



a numeric or character value specifying the year of interest. If this is not provided, it defaults to the current year.


a character value specifying the file of interest that is copied from the index.


a boolean value. If this is TRUE, then dod.ctd.bbmp downloads an index file that provides the names of files containing CTD data along with the sampling dates. The value of ID is ignored in this case. By contrast, if index is FALSE, then dod.ctd.bbmp downloads the CTD file with the specified ID. See ‘Examples’.


character value giving the name to be used for the downloaded file. If this is NULL (which is the default) then the filename is as on the remote data server.


a character value indicating the directory in which to store downloaded files.


a numerical value indicating a time interval, in days. If the file to be downloaded from the server already exists locally, and was created less than age days in the past, it will not be downloaded again. Setting age=0 (which is the default) forces a download.


an integer value indicating the level of debugging. If this exceeds 0, then some debugging messages will be printed. This value is passed down to related functions, but with 1 subtracted for each pass.


dod.ctd.bbmp returns a character value naming the file that was retrieved. This may be either an index file or a data file; see the ‘Examples’ section for an example of a typical workflow.

See also

Other functions that download CTD data: dod.ctd.bats(), dod.ctd.gtspp()


if (FALSE) {
# Download and study this year's first BBMP CTD file
# Download and read the index
indexFile <- dod.ctd("BBMP", index=TRUE)
index <- read.csv(indexFile, header=FALSE, col.names=c("file","time"), skip=3)
# Download the first file in the index
ctdFile <- dod.ctd("BBMP", ID=index$file[1])
# Use oce to read, summarize and plot the data.
ctd <- read.oce(ctdFile)